Kids going back to school after sleeping in all summer, lazier evenings, and no routines is dreaded by every parent (except for the fact that it frees up our time a little... that we love!).
Add to that divorce and co-parenting, and you make a stressful time of the year a complete panic-inducing disaster.
Whether you are new to co-parenting or are a longterm co-parenting veteran, come and join this workshop to help you answer your most burning questions around:
Who is responsible for getting the kids to and from school?
Who is responsible for making sure homework gets done?
How do you let your teacher know that you child has two homes?
How can you ensure that there will be good communication between the teacher/ school and BOTH co-parents?
How do you coordinate after-school programs and extracurricular activities?
How do you handle parent-teacher conferences if you can't stand to be in the same room with each other?
What special resources might you be able to get for your child when they are struggling during your divorce?
How do you resolve disagreements around schooling and educational decisions between you and your co-parent?
And so much more!
Come and join for 60 minutes filled with tips and tricks to help your kids, and then stay for the following 30-minute Q&A to get all of your burning questions answered around unique divorce and co-parenting situations from attendees.