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Divorce and co-parenting coaching |

Martina's Online Studio

A divorce isn't like a surgery - a one-time event that is over and may require a little bit of recovery time. â€‹


A divorce can be ongoing for years - and your co-parenting situation will be ongoing for life. 


A divorce can be draining and most of my clients complain about how exhausted they are. That they are too tired to even reach out to a lawyer to get their divorce started. 


This is why I am so passionate about the self-care component of divorce coaching because divorce is like an ultra marathon! You need a lot of energy to make it through so you don't come out on the other side completely depleted. 


A huge component of taking care of yourself is moving your body. And so, "Martina's Online Studio" was born! 

An intuitive approach to movement

Over the last two decades I have taught every fitness trend under the sun - except spinning, I absolutely despise spinning! The hard seats that kill my ass, the crotch sweat, the hunched forward position for 60 minutes - it just all doesn't feel great for my body. But I digress... I have loved every single fitness trend that I have taught - in the beginning. Until the burnout hit and I realized it wasn't nourishing to my body. Most trends are like a crash diet, helping you to "get in shape" quickly but aren't sustainable longterm, don't actually feel good to your joints and body, and deplete you. So I started to pull from my favorite movement theories to come up with a way to move your body that doesn't require you to take a nap afterwards. Instead, it fuels you to make it through your day and your divorce.  


You will find over 200 exercise and meditation videos to help you no matter how you feel, what fitness level you are at, and how little time you have to move today. Come and join me on the mat! 


Disclaimer: Nothing on this page or in my practice is legal advice. I am not a law firm nor a mental health professional. 

©2025 by Martina Klotz

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